Understanding AS 3959

Australia is known for its stunning landscapes and diverse ecosystems, but it also faces the perennial challenge of bushfires. These natural disasters can have devastating consequences for both property and lives. To mitigate these risks, the Australian government has developed the Australian Standard AS 3959, a comprehensive guideline that sets out the construction requirements for buildings in bushfire-prone areas.

In this article, we’ll explore what AS 3959 is, its importance, and how it plays a crucial role in minimizing bushfire risks.

Understanding AS 3959

AS 3959, officially titled “Construction of Buildings in Bushfire-Prone Areas,” is a national standard established by Standards Australia. It is part of the broader framework aimed at addressing the ever-present bushfire threat in Australia. AS 3959 provides a set of guidelines and construction requirements that help homeowners, builders, and designers create homes that are better equipped to withstand bushfires.

Key Elements of AS 3959

1. Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL)

AS 3959 categorizes the level of bushfire attack a building may be exposed to into various Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL), ranging from BAL-LOW (low risk) to BAL-FZ (extreme risk). The classification is determined based on factors such as the proximity of the site to vegetation, the type and density of vegetation, the slope of the land, and the construction materials used. Each BAL level has specific requirements that must be met during the construction process.

2. Construction Materials and Methods

The standard outlines specific construction materials and methods to be used based on the BAL level. For example, higher BAL levels may require the use of non-combustible materials for external walls and roofs and the installation of ember screens on windows.

3. Ember Attack

One of the significant threats during a bushfire is ember attack. AS 3959 addresses this by setting guidelines for the design and installation of screens and barriers to prevent embers from entering the building and igniting flammable materials.

4. Windows and Doors

The standard covers the types of windows and doors that should be used in different BAL levels, considering factors such as glass thickness and ember protection screens.

5. Gutters and Eaves

AS 3959 provides guidelines for managing gutters and eaves to reduce the risk of ember attack, recommending the installation of gutter guards and the closing off of eaves in higher BAL levels.

Why AS 3959 Matters

1. Risk Mitigation

The foremost reason AS 3959 is vital is its role in risk mitigation. By adhering to the guidelines set out in the standard, homeowners and builders can significantly reduce the risk of their properties being destroyed by bushfires.

2. Legal Compliance

In many parts of Australia, complying with AS 3959 is not optional but a legal requirement. Local governments often adopt the standard as part of their building codes and planning regulations. Failing to comply can result in legal consequences.

3. Insurance Benefits

Many insurance companies consider adherence to AS 3959 when calculating premiums. A home that is constructed to bushfire-resistant standards is often seen as a lower risk and may result in lower insurance premiums.

4. Peace of Mind

Living in a bushfire-prone area can be stressful, especially during fire season. Constructing your home in line with AS 3959 provides peace of mind, knowing that your property is better prepared to withstand a bushfire.


AS 3959 is more than just a set of construction guidelines; it’s a lifeline for those living in bushfire-prone areas. By following the standards and constructing homes that adhere to the specified BAL levels, homeowners and builders can significantly reduce the risk to lives and property during bushfire events. It’s a testament to Australia’s commitment to safeguarding its communities and the environment from the threat of bushfires.

For those in bushfire-prone areas, understanding and embracing AS 3959 is not just good practice—it’s essential for the safety and resilience of homes and communities.